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New Episode Of Black Thought Live with Hiram Akeem 8/9/16

We here at Mecca Media Entertainment in association with The Reporter Newspaper would like to thank everybody that took the time to donate toward this year's Water Campaign. It is because of people like you that will ultimately make our communities a much better place. On this week's program we have coach Sean Smith of the Akron Titans Youth football program. As a coach he promotes discipline, perfect practice and staying hydrated while playing. His expertise regarding teaching and educating our youth is paramount , which is why he appears on this weeks episode. Again, we would like to thank those who looked out during this years Water Campaign and to those that wanted to but couldn't. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

The Reporter Newspaper

Designed and managed by Hiram Akeem for Mecca Media inc.

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