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*Donald Trump, who is rumored to be mentally ill, believes he has rid society of racial tension, therefore he’s certain Black folks will vote for him in 2020.

“I had my best numbers recently and it’s because of the economy and what I’ve done for the African-American. The African-Americans are doing better than they ever have in our country,” Trump reportedly said during a lengthy televised presser with the Prime Minister of Pakistan. “We’re creating numbers. Look at the poverty numbers. Look at the unemployment numbers – the best they’ve ever had,” Trump said. “We have fantastic relationships with the African-American community, certainly you’re going to see that in 2020,” the President said from the Oval Office, in active campaign mode.”

Meanwhile, writes: “Trump’s approval rating with African-Americans is virtually non-existent,” adding “The president has invented African-American support where virtually none exists. Trump’s approval rating with African-Americans is 13%. His disapproval rating is 82%.”

Despite being accused of racism and inflaming racial tensions to please his alt-right base, Trump thinks Black folks are going to vote for him based on an unemployment rate that he had nothing to do with.

The AP noted that Trump is trying to take credit for yet another Obama accomplishment.

“The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.”

In related news, Trump’s administration is also convinced that Black unemployment proves Trump is not racist.

In a tense conversation with “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos, Trump campaign senior adviser Mercedes Schlapp argued that the president is not a racist and his “policies have focused on the minority community.”

“I have worked with President Trump for two years and he is not a racist. He’s a compassionate man whose policies have focused on the minority community. I mean, you look at the fact that the president has pushed and implementing the opportunity zones that helps low-income distressed communities across the country, including Baltimore,” Schlapp said.

“You look at the fact that the unemployment numbers for African Americans is at its lowest, for Hispanics at its lowest. I mean, he is a results-oriented president who is focused on helping uplift all Americans, including blacks, including Hispanics. And I have to say I’ve been with him in the room with all these — with all these different communities and he does stay focused on ensuring that we’re implementing the right policies for all Americans.”

The Reporter Newspaper

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