City Of Akron Offices Closed December 25th And January 1st In Observance Of Christmas Day And New Ye

Akron, Ohio, December 23, 2019 – All municipal offices will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, 2019 in observance of Christmas Day and Wednesday, January 1, 2020 in observance of New Year’s Day.
There will be no curb service on Wednesday, December 25th. There will be a one-day delay of trash/recycle collections for the remainder of the week, with curb service resuming on Thursday, December 26th. There will also be no curb service on Wednesday, January 1st. There will be a one-day delay of trash/recycle collections for the remainder of the week, with curb service resuming on Thursday, January 2nd.
Effective Thursday, December 26, continuing through Saturday, January 4, the City of Akron Sanitation/Curb Service Division will permit residents to place extra trash alongside their trash carts, on their normal collection day.
"Each year we provide this extra service to our residents after the holidays, most of whom have additional items to discard or recycle,” Mayor Dan Horrigan said. "This pickup is intended for extra holiday items, which can easily overfill your trash cart. We also encourage residents to recycle their cardboard boxes and other recyclable materials."
Following the holidays, the City will also collect residents’ holiday trees left alongside trash carts on their normal collection day. As always, customers who wish to put out a larger volume of other household trash are asked to contact the Mayor’s Action Center at 3-1-1, (330) 375-2311 or to pre-schedule one of the three special bulk pickups allotted to each household, each year.
“On behalf of all of us at the City of Akron, I wish you and your family a joyous and safe holiday season and a happy, healthy New Year,” said Mayor Dan Horrigan.