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Leader Sykes Announces $116,000 Recovery Ohio Grant To Summit County

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio House Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D-Akron) announced a $116,000 Recovery Ohio grant to the Summit County Drug Unit, which will be used to implement best practices to reduce drug sales to help keep Ohio's kids and communities safe.

"I am pleased this grant award is going to the Summit County Drug Unit to assist their efforts to promote healthier, safer communities," said Leader Sykes. "As legislators, it is imperative that we prioritize the safety and security of children and families and continue working together to restore Ohio's promise of better lives, brighter futures and the opportunity to live the American dream right here at home."

The Summit County Drug Unit consists of the following agencies: the Summit County Sheriff s Office, Summit County Prosecutor's Office, Akron Police Department, The University of Akron Police Department as well as other state and federal agencies.

The mission of the Summit County Drug Unit is to initiate narcotics-related cases and cooperate with and assist other agencies through complex and innovative investigative techniques, thus providing a valuable service to the citizens of Summit County.

For more information about the work being done through Recovery0hio, you can visit

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