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Mayor Horrigan And City Council Voice Opposition To Issue 1 In Ohio

Akron, Ohio, June 29, 2023 — Earlier this month, Mayor Horrigan and Akron City Council unanimously passed a resolution expressing opposition to Issue 1 and urging Akron citizens to vote "No" on the ballot initiative in August. If approved, Issue 1 would embed a rule in Ohio's Constitution requiring a sixty percent super-majority to pass citizen-led constitutional amendments as opposed to the current simple majority of more than 50%.

“Issue 1 is an attempt by Ohio's lawmakers to suppress the voice of its citizens and would create an unreasonable hurdle for the addition of voter-supported amendments to the Ohio constitution,” said Mayor Horrigan. “I urge all Akron citizens to vote ‘No’ on August 8 to help ensure the sacred principle of 'one person one vote' and preserve the majority rule which has been long established doctrine here in Ohio for constitutional amendments.”

Issue 1 would require that citizens who want to place an amendment on the ballot would have to collect signatures from at least 5 percent of voters from the last gubernatorial election in all 88 counties — instead of the current 44. It would also get rid of a 10-day cure period that allows citizens to replace any signature deemed faulty. You can read the ballot language here.

According to the secretary of state’s office, the August 8 special election is expected to cost between $12-15 Million. Lawmakers added this special election after recently passing H.B. 458 which banned August special elections due to historically low voter turnout and high costs, with the exception of those for a political subdivision or a school district who is in a fiscal state of emergency.

Akron City Council President Margo Sommerville added, “It is extremely important that the people of Akron stand up, show up at the polls, and vote in opposition to Issue 1 on August 8th. A proposal such as Issue 1 will silence your voice in matters that affect you most, and impact life as we know it if we don’t use our vote to say, ‘No!’ We must inform, educate, and turn out every NO voter in Akron to preserve and protect majority rule.”

The deadline for Ohioans to register to vote for the special election is July 10 and early voting begins July 11. Register to vote here.


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