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Donovan Smoove Carson is Akron Hip

Donovan Smoove Carson is re-launching the website

As the president and creator for the site, he believes that taking things back to the point (where you can get all of the local rap scene in one place) is essential to the progression of the movement.

Smoove has been instrumental in the promotion of countless local rap labels and the acts that they produce. As the man atCherry's Concepts and the manager of Tastes of New York(records and tapes) he has worked hand in hand with other promoters, record label executive as well as national recording artists. As the host of countless rap battles at The Voodoo Night Club as well as local television programming, Smoove believes that this experience enables him to make the transition to the social media format. He said that he plan on producing a weekly pod-cast and a YouTube program to help promote local rappers and his brand. So if you would like to promote your music or up-coming event contact us at

The Reporter Newspaper

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