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Broken Beauty Ministries Present It's Annual Women's Day Of Grace

Broken Beauty Ministries is presenting the 5th Annual “Day of Grace”, September 22nd, 2018

Broken Beauty Ministries is presenting the fourth annual “Day of Grace”, September 22nd, 2018. This yearly event is a celebration of God’s women and a reminder of His purpose for all of us. The theme for 2018 is “GIVE ME WATER!” Inspired by John 4:1-26. Our goal is to speak to the maturing woman inside us all and refute the lie that, you are not deserving of LOVE, REAL, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We sincerely hope this year will be a blessing to all women and an awesome time in the Lord.


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Singing from the age of four, and writing from the age of seven, Naomi Raine has found it easiest to communicate the intricacies of life through lyrics and melodies. Naomi Raine has always had a desire to minister to the needs of people who have been turned off to God and help ask and answer the burning questions in the hearts of people. Her strong desire to see the body of Christ united and operating in the power that was given to them fuels her relentless drive to continue making music that penetrates the heart and inspires a thirst to worship God in Spirit and in truth. Guitar in hand, Naomi Raine desires to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to the hopeless and spread the love of God through song. Naomi Raine believes, unapologetically, that we should live to inspire others and love each other in order to engage them in a deeper knowledge of the Savior and our Father God. You can stay connected to her by visiting her website at

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