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Mayor Horrigan To Continue Successful Late Night Basketball Program With Fall League

Akron, Ohio, October 1, 2019 – Thanks to the success and popularity of the summer midnight basketball program, Mayor Dan Horrigan has announced that the City of Akron will be hosting a fall league to begin on October 21st. The restored program, which has been re-named “Late Night Basketball,” is an outcome of the Youth Violence Prevention Strategic Plan. The Plan aims to reduce and prevent youth violence through various recommended approaches, including recreation and mentoring.

“This program is all about empowering our young people. It provides them with the resources and knowledge to strengthen themselves, their families, and their communities all while having fun and staying healthy,” said Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan. “I’m proud to see the support we’ve gotten from the community and our local organizations and can’t wait for another great season.”

The 2019 fall Late Night Basketball Program will take place at the Helen Arnold CLC (450 V. Odom Blvd.) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The league, which runs from October 21st through December 18th, is free of charge, but registration is required. Akron residents age 18 or older are eligible to sign up, and will then be placed onto a team. Over the summer, there were 80 players in the league and a waiting list, so interested parties are encouraged to register quickly to ensure their spot is secured.

Before each game, the City will host an educational talk to benefit the players. Players must be present for each speaker in order to participate. Topics will include healthcare, parenting skills, life insurance, job opportunities and resources for resume building, child support, police relations, and higher education, amongst others. Pat Littlejohn, organizer of Akron Late Night Basketball, said, “I'm excited to see this program continuing because it's been such a hit so far. It really provides the players with an opportunity to improve their quality of life from jobs to family to community; this program really covers it all.” Some of the organizations involved are Fallen Fathers Foundation, Stark State College, 100 Black Men of Akron, the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office, the Akron Black Nurses Association, and Southwest Insurance Associates.

Registration is available on a first come, first served basis. Interested players can access the application here to turn in to any of the City’s community centers, or there will be hard copies available at the centers. Applications can also be turned in at the Recreation & Parks Administrative Office (220 South Balch Street, 2nd floor). For more information, please call the Administrative Office at (330) 375-2804.

For further information, contact: Ellen Lander Nischt Press Secretary Phone: 330-375-2325 E-mail:

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