Mayor Dan Horrigan Reports Record Low Lead Levels In City Of Akron Drinking Water

Mayor Dan Horrigan and the Water Supply Bureau are proud to announce record low lead levels in City of Akron drinking water for the 2020 testing period. Akron is reporting lead at 0.00155 milligrams per liter which is 90% below the EPA action level. The EPA action level is 15 PPB (parts per billion) and Akron’s results are 1.55 PPB. These results exemplify Akron’s long history of providing its citizens with a safe, reliable and plentiful supply of excellent quality drinking water.
“This new data is meaningful confirmation of the success of our efforts to eliminate lead in our water supply,” said Akron Mayor Daniel Horrigan. “This work has been ongoing in Akron for decades now and this report shows those efforts are paying off. We will continue to do everything we can to protect the health and safety of our residents and to continue to provide safe, reliable drinking water to our customers.”
For many years the City of Akron has taken a proactive approach in protecting its customers from the dangers of lead. This includes the installation of a state-of-the-art lead corrosion control treatment process and by replacing lead water services which supply water to homes installed in the early 1900’s. Unlike many other communities, Akron’s computerized control treatment process continuously adds a special corrosion inhibitor called “zinc orthophosphate” to the water. This safe inhibitor specifically acts as a barrier between the metallic pipes and the water. This barrier chemically coats the pipes and helps prevent lead from dissolving into drinking water.
In addition to treatment, Akron remains committed to eliminating the primary source of lead in the distribution system through Akron’s lead service line removal program. Akron has replaced nearly 95% of all lead services lines ever installed in its system. The water corrosion control program and lead service line removal program are two examples of Akron’s continued commitment to water quality.
“We are now seeing these record low lead levels in our water supply due to the hard work and progressive decision-making of our staff over the years,” said Director of Public Service Chris Ludle. “This is a major milestone in our continuing efforts to provide safe drinking water to all Akron water customers, and I'm incredibly proud of this achievement on behalf of all our dedicated Water Supply employees.”
The 2020 lead results exemplify that Akron’s Corrosion Control Program is working effectively at a homeowner’s tap water satisfying all Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements.
For additional information related to lead, please visit the Akron Water Website at