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Akron Mayor Thank His City For It's Resilience

I want to take a moment to thank a number of folks whose efforts yesterday really made all the difference in our response to the fire which occurred on Rosemary Blvd.

Our city staff did an outstanding job yesterday especially everyone from Akron Police and Akron Fire. They really showed bravery and professionalism in the face of a large and evolving situation and their efforts were nothing short of heroic.

I also want to thank our service teams, our Recreation and Parks Staff, our communications folks and beyond. The way everyone jumped into action showcased the knowledge and skill that we have here in our city workforce.

We certainly couldn’t have gotten through this situation as seamlessly without the help of many partners so I want to acknowledge and thank the Red Cross, Summit County Health Department, the Summit County Hazmat team, our hospital systems: Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron General, and Summa, Summit County Emergency Management, Akron Metro RTA, the Summit County Sherriff’s Office, the Ohio EPA, Akron Public Schools, and our councilmembers, particularly Councilman Hannah whose ward the fire occurred in and Councilman Kammer whose ward had our major reunification center. And a big thank you to everyone who reached out and offered their support in any way, there are too many of you to list but your willingness to help was so appreciated.

Lastly, I want to thank our community at large. Your willingness to step up and help your neighbors during a time of crisis was touching and it was amazing to see the concern and care shown for one another. We truly have the most amazing community of people and I can’t express my appreciation enough for everything our residents do for one another.

Thank you, Akron!


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