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Civil Rights Museum in N.C. Rejects ‘Disrespectful’ Donald Trump’s Request to Visit

A civil rights museum in North Carolina has denied presidential candidate Donald Trump’s request for a visit, saying his campaign’s demands were “disrespectful.”

The International Civil Rights Center and Museum was contacted by the Trump campaign last weekend – not just requesting a visit from the Republican nominee, but demanding that certain things be done to accommodate him, according to the museum’s co-founder Earl Jones.

“We did not honor the request of the Donald Trump team because we thought [what] they demonstrated, in their approach was disrespectful, so therefore we did not grant that request,” said Jones, according to WFMY News.

Jones says the Trump campaign was aggressive and rude to museum staff in making their request, and that his team wanted the museum to be closed for at least five hours during Trump’s tour.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during a campaign rally at the Sun Center Studios September 22, 2016 in Aston, Pennsylvania.

The main reason they denied Trump was because the museum does not provide special treatment to anyone, according to Jones. But he also said the campaign’s request didn’t come off as sincere.

“The approach, the type of disrespect, pretty much a demand and bullying us to use the museum in their manner and their way in their time, it was inappropriate and I think it’s probably reflective of the type of insensitivity of civil rights and human rights that’s reflective from Trump over the years,” said Jones.

Jones added that if Hillary Clinton were to make similar demands, she would also be denied.

“We have equal treatment for everyone coming to the museum and we welcome everyone to the museum but we are not going to allow the museum to be used for political gain,” said Jones.


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