Where slavery is there liberty cannot be, and where liberty is there, slavery cannot be.”
The great Abraham Lincoln tried putting liberty and slavery into a simple and asynchronous relationship for us, but how far have we really progressed in achieving the liberty we Americans like to speak so proudly about?
Did you know that the imprisonment rate for African American women is twice that of white women? Additionally, African Americans are incarcerated at a rate that is about 6 times that of white Americans.
We may not have digressed too far from older times as these statistics depict a reminiscent of a culturally honed racial prejudice that is a part of the social construct of the modern America we find ourselves in today. Here are the four common problems faced by African Americans today:
1. Lack of family structure: According to a 2002 study, 70% of all African American children were illegitimate and that number rose from 23.6% back in 1963 because that was the year when welfare became a right according to the constitution, which made having husbands redundant. Too many African American families grow up without a father figure in the house which often leads to psychological issues later in life.
2. Dangerous cities have high African American Populations: Dangerous cities like Oakland, Cleveland, Baltimore and Detroit where gang violence and crime is an everyday occurrence has a high population of African American people who live under the government of democrats.
3. High abortion rates: It is estimated that 30% of all abortions in the country are done by African American women. This heightened loss of uncounted lives percolates to reduce respect for life and has played its role in decreasing civility with which people treat each other.
4. The victim mindset: Nothing holds an African American back more than seeing themselves as a victim who sees everything as someone else’s fault without taking the deserved responsibility to such a significant degree that their victim status becomes their collective identity.
5. African Americans make a sizable portion of prisoners: Studies infer that 52% of homicides are committed by African American individuals. Due to this high incarceration rate, every 1 in 9 African American children you pass on the sidewalk may have or might have had a parent in prison. Due to the greater likelihood of African Americans being incarcerated, their social upbringing and family support has taken the toll.