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"No Loose Ends" Pre-Viewing Party Was A Huge Success (video footage)

-After Viewing-

On Thursday night A pre-viewing of the independent film titled No Loose Ends took place downtown Akron. The people who were in attendance were selected because of their ability to get the word out. Of course, there were people that were considered family and that "family" vibe was consistent for the entire evening. The Courtyard Marriot was the perfect venue for this type of event. The staff and their attention to detail were second to none. Being able to take part in such a professional event and vibe made me feel proud to be a black man from Akron Ohio.

As far as the movie is concerned, I thought that it was dooooope!!! Movie makers Rob Bruce and brotha LaVail Duncan did an excellent job. In fact, big ups to everybody that acted in film-Y'all did great as well. In closing, this project was the latest installment of what's turning out to be elite productions coming out of BlAkron Ohio. Please check out footage and words from the producers in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

The Reporter Newspaper

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