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Akron To Celebrate “Trick Or Treat” On Saturday, October 31st From 5 PM To 7 PM

Akron, Ohio, Sept. 28, 2020 — This year, the City of Akron’s annual Trick or Treat celebration will fall on the Halloween holiday which is Saturday, October 31, 2020.  Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to use caution and to always follow current state and local public health orders, rules, and regulations established in our community. The City has been in contact with Summit County Public Health regarding Trick or Treat activities and has developed best practices and guidelines to keep our trick-or-treaters safe while they enjoy the Halloween season.

Akron residents who wish to participate in “Trick or Treat Night” may show their support by turning on their porch lights between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. that evening. Akron police patrols will pay special attention to children and families walking city neighborhoods to promote a safe and successful celebration for all.

“Our goal has always been to allow families to celebrate the Halloween holiday with a responsible Trick or Treat Night, if it could be accomplished in a safe and healthy way,” said Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan. “I want to thank Summit County Public Health for issuing guidance that will allow residents to make informed choices that are right for their family.  We urge all Akron residents to review these guidelines and follow them carefully to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community.” 

2020 Trick or Treat Guidance:

  • Always wear a face covering and stay 6 feet away from people who are not from your household.  Face coverings should never be placed on children younger than 2 or anyone who cannot easily remove them.  Halloween costume masks should be avoided this year.  Costume masks are not an appropriate form of face coverings, and wearing a costume mask in addition to cloth face covering is not recommended.

  • Carry hand sanitizer and use it often, especially after coming in contact with frequently touched surfaces

  • Celebrate and participate in Trick or Treat only with your immediate family. At all times, group sizes should be limited to no more than 10 people.

  • Refrain from having children select their own treats from a bowl/common container.  Consider creative alternatives for contactless candy distribution like using a “grabber” tool or candy chute, or placing treats in individual baggies and placing them on the porch or securing them to a “candy wall”.

  • Wipe off candy wrappers with sanitizing wipes when you arrive home or “quarantine” the candy for 48 hours. (NOTE: Never wipe unpackaged food with wipes.)

  • Allow children to eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid homemade treats made by strangers.

  • If anyone in your household is at greater risk of complications from COVID-19, contact your doctor before allowing participation in Halloween activities.

Please respect the decision of neighbors who choose not to participate in Trick or Treat and only approach homes with their porch lights on between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Trick or Treat Night.


The Reporter Newspaper
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