City of Akron American Rescue Plan Act

Like every city across this nation, COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on our people, our businesses and our livelihoods. With an infusion of federal funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest a strategic and direct flow of large-scale funding into our community, in the amount of $145 million.
The City of Akron began receiving money in 2021, must allocate all funds by the end of 2024, and must expend all funds by 2026.
ARPA Funds may be used for:
Support the Public Health Response Meet and address emergent public health needs
Respond to the Negative Economic Impacts Address economic harm resulting from or exacerbated by the public health emergency
Premium Pay for Essential Workers Provide premium pay to eligible workers performing essential work during the COVID-19 public health emergency
Revenue Loss Provide government services to the extent of reduction in revenue experienced due to COVID-19
Investments in Infrastructure Meet the critical need for investments and improvements to existing infrastructure in water, sewer, and broadband and Local Fiscal Relief Fund
Idea Form – Have a service or program that you think is eligible for funding? Tell us a bit more about your idea.