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City Of Akron Marks The 20th Anniversary Of The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Akron, Ohio, September 10, 2021 — Tomorrow, Mayor Horrigan and the City of Akron will join the nation to pause and remember those lives lost 20 years ago during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“For many of us, 9/11 still sits fresh in our memories,” said Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan. “We vividly recall that awful day and the confusion, hurt and anger that followed, but also the way that this community rallied together. Akronites gave willingly to help support people across the nation, people they'd never met and would likely never meet. That spirit of community, empathy and care is the foundation of Akron. As we raise the next generations, our children and their children, it is vital that we pass down our recollections and memories so that 9/11, the lives lost, and the way we came together as a nation are never forgotten.”

To memorialize the people who lost their lives on 9/11 on the day's 20th anniversary Akron Firefighters Union Local 330 has teamed up with the City of Akron, Akron Fire Department, Summit County Executive's Office and University of Akron to host a 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at InfoCision Stadium. Participants will climb 78 flights of stairs, which is the farthest any firefighter got on that day. The event starts at 8:46 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 11 – the exact time that Flight 11 hit the north tower of the World Trade Center.

In the aftermath of the devastating attacks, Akronites banded together. Over 50,000 people contributed to a fund set up to raise money for a firetruck for New York City. A staggering $1.4 million was collected in less than a month, most of it from individuals. That money purchased a 95-foot ladder truck -- the biggest in the entire fleet -- as well as two ambulances and three police cruisers.

While those vehicles are no longer in commission, they undoubtedly helped New York's finest save hundreds of lives and showed that as Americans suffered one of their worst moments, we rallied together as a nation.

“In all, 2,977 people lost their lives that fateful day,” Mayor Horrigan continued. “There were citizens of 77 different countries among the casualties. And New York City lost 441 first responders. On the twentieth anniversary of these attacks, we remember. We remember all those who lost their lives 20 years ago. We remember the heroes who sacrificed themselves that others might live. We remember our country's resilience as we came together in the wake of this tragedy. May we never forget.”


The Reporter Newspaper
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