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Mayor Malik Unveils 100 Day Plan

Akron, Ohio, Feb. 21, 2024  — This morning, Akron Mayor Shammas Malik unveiled a 100 Day Plan to guide the beginning of the new mayoral administration. The plan, crafted in large part during the mayoral transition process in 2023, includes a list of 73 action items, covering a variety of priorities, including hiring a team for the new administration, modernizing city operations, prioritizing communications and public engagement, and launching the Together For Akron agenda that Mayor Malik campaigned on.

“The beginning of any administration helps set the tone for the rest of the work to follow," said Mayor Malik. "We’re halfway through the first 100 days, and we’re excited at the progress being made both in accomplishing operational tasks for the city but also beginning the work of broader objectives such as violence intervention, universal pre-K, and better engagement with residents.”

The full plan is available here. Highlights from each section of the plan include:

  • Safer Together / Public Safety

  • Undertake planning for future of the police station with a final decision by end of June 2024.

  • Continue and expand Akron Police-based violence intervention efforts in partnership with community-based efforts and other law enforcement agencies.

  • Launch and evaluate co-responder pilot program in collaboration with ADM Board with Akron Police, Akron Fire, and Portage Path Behavioral Health staff responding to some mental health-related calls.

  • Prioritize police and fire engagement, recruitment, and retention.

  • Working Together / Economic Development

  • Select contractor for Innerbelt / Reconnecting Communities planning process and consider interim community use of the property focused on youth opportunity.

  • Facilitate launch of downtown Community Development Corporation.

  • Explore partnerships with private providers and Summit County around affordable access to fiber.

  • Living Together / Health, Housing, and the Environment

  • Develop and launch Right to Counsel pilot program to provide legal representation to tenants facing eviction.

  • Review and revise residential property tax abatement policy.

  • Join and begin work with the statewide Power a Clean Future Ohio (PCFO) coalition.

  • Review and reset Akron Home Repair Program.

  • Learning Together / Education

  • Support youth out of school time opportunities as a key partner with Youth Success Summit.

  • Support a community-based effort to establish universal pre-K for Akron.

  • Continue partnership with Akron Public Schools around improving access to Community Learning Centers (CLCs).

  • Build the Team

  • Hire and onboard mayor's cabinet, strategy team, and other appointed roles.

  • Build out Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

  • Establish regular communication with all city employees from mayor's office.

  • Modernize City Operations

  • Improve and streamline current city mowing program.

  • Plan and pilot permanent speed tables and other speeding interventions.

  • Clarify and enhance internal contracting procedures to ensure competitive processes where appropriate.

  • Engage federal government stakeholders around funding and policy.

  • Prioritize Communications and Public Engagement

  • Share weekly mayoral email newsletter.

  • Conduct regular, live-streamed press conferences with Q&A from media.

  • Prioritize youth engagement, particularly around co-creating safe, exciting recreational and extra-curricular opportunities and third spaces.

  • Prioritize engagement around longstanding community reports and plans – including LGBTQ+ needs assessment, racial equity and social justice taskforce, Age Friendly Akron, Elevate Greater Akron, and more.

The city has also launched a 100-day tracker so residents can see how the Malik administration is progressing on these items. You can view the tracker at On the city’s site, each action item has an icon next to it to show that item’s progress. There is a green checkbox where a goal is complete, a yellow arrow where a goal is in progress, and a blue square where work on the goal is starting soon. To date, 6 action items are complete including passing the 2024 Capital Budget, launching the water bill assistance program, 311 app, snowplow tracker map, and more. There are 7 action items set to start soon, and another 60 in progress.

“The 100 Day Tracker will offer greater transparency and accountability towards our commitments, and we will update the tracker each week so folks can follow along,” continued Mayor Malik.

Feedback can be sent to or to the Mayor’s Action Center by dialing 3-1-1.


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